Bread with Pears to be combined with “LA GABBIANELLA” Salami

Ingredients for 4 persons:

500 gr. of “Biga” [dry and leavened pre-mixture/ferment] obtained from 280-300 w wheat
100 gr. “0” type weak flour
10 gr. Salt
5 gr. Malt
30 gr. Oil
40 gr. Water
300 gr. “Abate” pears cut into small cubes


Create a “Biga” by mixing 300 g of “00” type weak flour and 200 g of “Manitoba” type strong flour with 10 g yeast dissolved in 250 g of lukewarm water. Let the mixture leaven for at least 12 hours in a suitably big and well-covered container at room temperature.
Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture, paying attention to cut pears for last.
Form two small loaves, shape them and cut them in with a small serrate knife. Let the mixture leaven again for about 45 – 50 minutes, in a humidified environment at 20 – 22°C temperature and put it in the oven at 195°C for about 45 minutes.
la gabbianella


Fiano d’Avellino D.O.C.G.

Suggestions for a better tasting:

Oblongly cut the rind by a knife and remove it. We suggest to make slices having a thickness of approximately 3 mm, beginning from the end part of the product.

How to keep:

Keep the product wrapped in a wet cloth, in the fridge.